
Common Questions

About AIDMe Group (Artificial Intelligence in Digital Media Group)

What is AIDMe Group?

AIDMe Group focuses on advancing knowledge and innovation in digital media technologies, particularly in the field of artificial intelligence. It provides a platform for networking and collaboration among individuals with diverse skills and interests, united by a shared passion for advancing AI in digital media. Group members participate voluntarily, aiming for collective benefit.

In which areas does the group operate?

The group’s activities are determined based on members’ expertise and interests, within the scope of AI applications in digital media. Areas of interest include:

  • AI-based audio and video content production methods
  • Techniques for improving audio and video content quality
  • Audio and video data compression for human use (e.g., using neural networks)
  • AI-based multimedia content analysis for machine use
  • Audio and video data compression for machine use
How is AIDMe Group different from similar groups?

AIDMe Group is a network that brings together people with different skills and needs, united by a common goal: advancing AI innovation for digital media. The diversity of knowledge, skills, and resources in this network allows members to expand their expertise, collaborate with others, or seek and provide support. The group operates as a volunteer-based network, focusing on shared benefits.

What are my responsibilities as a member of AIDMe Group?

The group’s primary activity is organizing and hosting scientific presentations. Therefore, members are expected to participate actively in these presentations. Members are periodically invited to conduct presentations, either individually or through their research teams. Although participation in presenting is not mandatory, it is essential for sustaining group activities.

Can AIDMe Group collaborate with other organizations?

Yes, organizations can submit requests for collaboration, such as scientific presentations, specialized workshops, or consulting services, to the group’s Steering Committee. The committee will review the requests and provide a response after consulting with its network of experts.

What are the benefits of membership for researchers (innovators) in the field of AI driven digital media?

As a member, you can leverage the group’s network to:

  • Stay updated on the latest technological trends in your fields of interest.
  • Explore opportunities for commercializing research and innovations.
  • Share your needs and capabilities on scientific and technical issues.
  • Find potential investors.
  • Access resources and equipment.
  • Seek guidance and advice.
  • Collaborate collectively in your field of expertise.

These benefits are realized through:

  • Participation in scientific sessions and workshops
  • Asking questions or sharing needs in the group’s social networks (e.g., Telegram, LinkedIn)
  • Organizing dedicated meetings with interested stakeholders
  • Forming and participating in specialized working groups
What are the benefits of membership for organizations and companies?

Organizations and companies can:

  • Stay informed about the latest commercial and industrial trends through the group’s network.
  • Connect with AI researchers to address their need for skilled human resources.
  • Utilize the group’s resources to explore methods for commercializing research outcomes.

How can stakeholders share their needs and capabilities in a dedicated session?

Individuals engaged in AI-driven digital media—be it in research, industry, or commerce—are encouraged to share their experiences, insights, services, and needs through group presentations. During these presentations, they can also seek solutions to technical or financial challenges. To schedule a presentation, they must complete a request form and submit it to the Steering Committee. The committee will review the proposals and schedule presentations if accepted.

How do dedicated sessions for invited participants work?

The presenter explains their work clearly, enabling interested participants to understand and evaluate it. Participants can then ask questions, and the presenter can receive suggestions for overcoming technical or financial challenges or identifying new opportunities.

How do members collaborate with each other?

Collaboration among members can begin as part of the group’s activities, either through seeking advice or participating in one of the working groups. These collaborations may then continue independently of the group’s activities, under the responsibility of the members themselves.

What is AIDMe Group’s responsibility regarding member collaborations?

The group holds no responsibility for collaborations among members, even if they originated through group activities.

Does the group take a share of profits from collaborations?

No, the group’s activities are solely aimed at facilitating interactions among members and promoting innovation. All member activities are voluntary, and the group does not seek financial gain from them. However, members are free to pursue their own interests independently of the group. The group has no involvement in any profits or losses arising from such activities.

How is AIDMe Group structured?

AIDMe has a flat, network-based structure, meaning there are no formal hierarchical ranks among members. Group decisions are made through member voting. The organization is as follows:

  • Steering Committee: Comprising 3 to 5 members elected by the group. They handle administrative and executive duties, such as organizing meetings, conducting votes and organizing presentations, reviewing proposals for changes, forming and dissolving working groups, and processing consultation requests.
  • Working Groups: Led by a convener and a deputy, these groups focus on collective activities in specific areas aligned with the group’s objectives. Each working group is responsible for its assigned tasks.
How are votes conducted?

When a vote is required, the Steering Committee sends an email to the group’s mailing list with a deadline for responses. Members are informed of the voting results within a week after the deadline. The voting period must be at least one week.

How can I become a member?

Membership is open to all interested individuals. If you wish to become a member, you can fill out and submit the membership application form on the group’s website. Once your name is added to the group’s email list, you will be considered a member.

How are the members of the Steering Committee selected?

The Steering Committee is elected annually from among the group members. A call for nominations is issued in the month of Dey (December-January), with a response deadline of the 1st of Bahman (around January 21st).

How are meetings organized?
  • General Meetings: The Steering Committee  invites all members via the mailing list at least one week in advance.
  • Working Group Meetings: The convener or deputy invites members of the relevant group via the mailing list at least one day in advance.
  • Steering Committee Meetings: The committee notifies its members at least one day before the meeting.

Participation is open to all members for all meeting types.

How are priorities and current procedures determined?

To improve the group’s operations, the Steering Committee or working groups’ conveners may temporarily set priorities and procedures, provided they align with the group’s objectives.